maanantai 30. syyskuuta 2013

In the Land of Killer Elephants

We were supposed to go to Bandipur National Park with Lukas and Wiebke, but since they only accepted online booking in advance we decided to go to Mudumalai. The Safaris and accommodations were way too expensive anyway (for us foreigners). Next time would be cool to bring the registration copies. After all, we are almost Indian citizens...

About Killer Elephants. Last time I was in Mudumalai we went for trekking in the early morning. I remember how we thought that the trekking guides were so over dramatic when we had to be so silent and watch elephants from very long distances. I mean, elephants can't be dangerous right? They are slow and peaceful animals and would never harm anyone. That's what I thought. Last weekend we heard that an Englishman (apparently a fanatical bird watcher) had separated from the group and got killed by an elephant during trekking. Our guide told us that when you are in big groups the wild elephants just escape, but if you are alone they can attack if they feel threatened. So no more trekking in Mudumalai after that episode.

Our private guide picked some cactus fruits for us


magical views

Safari in the night.

So after we'd heard the creepy killer elephant story we went on a night-safari. The elephants were hiding in the bushes and crossing the road in the darkness as we were sitting in our jeep. It was a little bit frightening when some of the elephants tried to chase us and did some hostile movements with their heads and ears. Even our driver seemed a bit scared. But we didn't get killed as the English bird watcher. Fortunately.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Ihania kuvia Niksu, super kaunista! Opas on ihan oikeassa; safarilla ei pidä ruveta sooloilemaan. Tuollainen pieni karvainen paksupyllynen möhkäle, joka näyttää harmittomalta ja sievältä kätkeekin sisäänsä petomaisen vulkanon kun aurinko laskee tai ehkä jo sitä ennen...Hyvä että uskoitte opasta! t. mami ps. vois olla hyvä pitää hyvät kengät jalassa, teillä näyttää olevan vain paljaat jalat ja rantatossut....

  2. "In Africa, the saying goes 'in the bush, an elephant can kill you, a leopard can kill you, and a black mamba can kill you" - Elle Driver, Kill Bill 2
    Since when do you write in English btw? :D


  3. Mami, joo kyl mul oli toiset kengät mukana! Mulle tuli vaan kylmiii väristyksii tost norsujutust ku kuvittelin et tollanen juttu vois just sattuuu sulle ja isille ku ootte sellasii lintubongareita...

    Viki: nice quote! I dont think I will write all the time in English, but if I dont write long texts and just uppload pictures with texts its easier to write in only one language...and now my volunteer friends can read as well! But in "deeper" texts I prefer my own languages...I sent you a letter btw, so hope it will reach you! :D

  4. Dääääm, now you ruined the surprise :D

  5. Moikka Amppu, mukava päästä taas blogisi pariin. Olin reissussa, eikä nettiä ihan käden ulottuvilla, kun puhelimeni on liian hidas. Norsuilla täytyy olla ihan mahtavat voimatkin jo, ja joskus hampaitakin. Ehkä siellä on muitakin myrkkykäärmeitä kuin kobra?

    terkuin, Minna Kantsusta

  6. onhan täällä vaikka mitä käärmeitä, olis jännä nähdä niitä livenä luonnossa!
