torstai 2. tammikuuta 2014

Back to Normal

After two weeks of Goa and a group of wonderful people, too many Kingfishers and too much sun and salty water I'm only wondering how long it will take for me to adapt to the real world again. I'm back in Hunsur and everything is as it used to be here; the family, the everyday chores and the village with its people and the Indian everyday life. But at the same time nothing is the same any more and it feels so hard to accept it.

I have only one month left in the project. It feels like the end already and I really wonder how I will get myself motivated for these last couple of weeks. I've tried to do my best in the existing circumstances, I've forced myself not too be too sceptical or too cynical and to keep my motivation up. But now I have only so little time left that I'm giving in for the temptation to just let it be and to give up with trying to get it working any more.

I didn't expect myself to become this melancholic after these past two weeks. But as we in the beginning of the holidays joked about "borrowing happiness" from the next day when drinking beer, it turned out to be quite true in the end. The last two weeks I really borrowed lots of happiness and now it is time to pay it back. Don't get me wrong now, I didn't drink that much beer, it was the whole holiday, the people the relaxing days on the beach and everything. The comfortable paradise bubble that enfolded us those days. But now it is time to get back to normal.

Next week we will start working with Pia again. Her friends will fly back to Germany and the other Hunsur Germans will one by one start returning to their host families and their Indian lives. Not all of them though, Lukas won't be coming back any more and our Save Our Earth Club-team will be reduced to only the two of us, Pia and I. It feels so strange, the last four months we've been working together everyday and then travelling the weekends as well. And now, suddenly, it is not like that any more. It feels quite empty at the moment.

I will briefly explain my plans for the rest of my stay here in India. I will be working in the project till the end of January. The 30th my Mum will arrive and we will be travelling almost three weeks together. Our plan so far is to go to Kerala and maybe the Lakshadweep Islands. When my mum flies back to Finland I will take the train to the East Cost and go to Sadhana Forest in Auroville, to volunteer for three to four weeks. After Sadhana Forest I will go to Bangalore to catch my flight at the 16th of March. The 17th I will be back at home, after seven and a half months of India.

Never before have the New Year felt like such a turning point in my life. I almost feel like I'm already coming home. Just have to finish a few things first... :D

Office Work

Save Our Earth Club Family Picture

4 kommenttia:

  1. Moi Niksu, tuli ihan hirvee ikävä sua, great, että tuut kotiin kohta mutta sitä ennen...katsoin eilen ohjelman "ympäristö ja simpanssiaktivistista" Jane Goodallista ja roots and shoots -liikkeestä - kaikenlaisia ympäristön, elukoiden, erityisesti lapsien ja nuorten puolesta työtätekeviä kansalaisliikkeitä ja järjestöjä tarvitaan ja yhden ihmisen työpanosta ei voi sovi väheksymän :) t. mutti

  2. Mamii, jojoo, en mä väheksy. On vaan motivaation kadoksissa, mut kyl tää tästä. Kohta tuuut tänne ja sit reissataan! lähetin jo meilii lakkadiiveille, jeij! puspus äiti!

  3. Du har gjort ett bra jobb där Amanda. Förhållandena där sådana att det har krävts en hel del tålamod och en god portion fantasi att få allt att fungera i projektet... men ni har haft ett bra stöd av varandra i gruppen. En massa innehållsrika resor nästan vartenda veckoslut.
    Känns säkert tungt nu att skiljas från vännerna, men ni kommer säkert att ha kontakt, ni bor ju alla i Europa, ganska korta avstånd här jämfört med Indien t.ex. Du får säkert ledsamt efter din familj.
    Nu börjar du varva ner där lite i Hunsur, Goa var en söt karamell som ni kan suga på länge. Turistandet med mamma en bra övergångsrit till hemfärden och allt här hemma sedan. Det extra jobbet i östra Indien - hoppas din motivation räcker för det...! En massa olika upplevelser inom en relativt kort tid..
    Säkert lite kulturchock sen den första tiden här hemma i Finland i svalt väder i grå-bruna mars, tystheten och lite folk... jämfört med Indien... Alla vi som pratar om helt vanliga, enkla, vardagliga saker i det "lilla livet"... också viktigt!
    Kiva för oss här att du snart är hemma igen! Ser fram emot att bli bjuden på indisk mat!

  4. Sant, sant. Det är faktiskt de helt tråkiga vardagliga sakerna som jag har saknat allra mest, ganska komiskt. Helt små och tråkiga grejer som sen när man är långt borta plötsligt känns så viktiga. Man blir nog ganska nostalgisk emellanåt här, snart kommer jag! :)
